Foreign Language

Tech for Foreign Language Training
Spanish Keyboard Conversions for CB.pdf

If students need to type special characters, the easiest thing to do is have them setup the special French or Spanish keyboard option on their Chromebooks so they can toggle between a standard US English keyboard and a Spanish or French keyboard. This is especially important if students are needing to enter special characters in a "Locked" Google Form, since they cannot have other tabs/tools open while they are taking the test or quiz. Instructions for how to enable multiple keyboards on a Chromebook are described in the video below:

Foreign Language Keyboard Conversions for CB (1)_0002-0002.pdf
Chromebook Keyboards edited.pdf

Use this online Spanish keyboard and then copy and paste the text into a Doc, Sheet, Slide, Form, etc.

Use this online French keyboard and then copy and paste the text into a Doc, Sheet, Slide, Form, etc.

Alt Codes for Typing French on a Desktop Computer