Getting Started...For Teachers

Ideally, the easiest way for you to send remote learning work on the Chromebooks is to assign Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, and PDFS (PDFs will need to be downloaded by the students). However, if you want to send Google Forms or Youtube Videos, there are ways to do that. Everything is outlined in the video.  ---------->

Converting Files for Easier Downloading.mp4

Template for Sending Meet QR Codes to Families

How to Create a QR code for a Google Meet 

(super simple)

Creating Meet QR Code.mp4

Google Offline Resources 

for Teachers

Google Offline Instructions

for Parents & Students

Instructions for Setting Up and Accessing Offline Files for Remote Learning Days for Students (Printable)

Offline Assignment Access for Students.pdf

Google Classroom Resources 

for Teachers

Google Classroom Resources 

for Students and Parents

Quick Google Classroom Video Tutorial for Teachers

Quick Intro to Google Classroom.mp4

Google Classroom Printable Guide for Teachers

Google Classroom Guide (1).pdf

Quick Google Classroom Video Tutorial for Families

Google Classroom for Parents and Students.mp4

Submitting Assignments in Google Classroom Tutorial

UPDATED Google Classroom - Submit an Assignment.mp4

Google Meet Resources 

for Teachers

Google Meet Resources 

for Students and Parents

Quick Google Meet Tutorial for Teachers

Quick Intro to Google Meet.mp4
How to record a Google Meet_0001-0001.pdf

How to Record Google Meet Sessions

How to record a Google Meet_0002-0002.pdf

Joining a Google Meet Session 

from Google Classroom for Students and Parents

Google Meet from Classroom Tutorial for Parents and Students.mp4

Joining a Google Meet Session 

from a QR Code on a Phone for Students

Joining Google Meet from QR Code.mp4

Joining a Google Meet Session 

from an Email for Parents and Students

Google Meet How to for Parents.pdf
Google Meet Phone App.mp4

This is a QR code you can copy and paste to a document for the Submitting Assignments in Google Classroom Video embedded above.